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The School Of Future Leader

English Space

IT Sanmar12 June 20181083 click

 Helping as a Gateway
By Vincentius Jose*
English Space
Hello dear SanMar readers! Have you ever heard of the expression called “pay it forward”?  No? Well, in this chance I want to introduce you to the idea of paying it forward.

“Pay it forward is an expression for describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying it to others instead of to the original benefactor.” -Wikipedia. So it would be like when you help certain someone with something, they would be in debt with you, and to repay it they must help another person. Although it sounds a bit utopian but hear me out, if someone, no, everyone do this what would you think would happen? The most probable possibility would be a better world in which everyone is helping each other and it would make a chain of kindness or something like that.

To be frank, its a pretty old concept and almost the same as contract of loans and it has been instilled in our moral system but not everyone realise this and still being ignorant towards the fact that everyone always needs a helping hand. So if you can help someone why must you held back? Won’t creating a chain of kindness would be a great deed towards humanity? Well, if you don't like person that kind of person then don’t be them. It’s that simple yet out of pride people rarely do this.

Maybe, the idea of third party beneficiaries won’t do you good in a short run but shouldn't you be more focused on a long run solution? In my honest opinion introducing “pay it forward” alone is not enough, everyone should have a change in attitude and way of thinking. It is true that someone who is kind or generally good sometimes get shunned by society or just being used at others disposal, but at least you helped them. Why must you be afraid of doing the right thing? Although sometimes helping people is not difficult thing. Frankly speaking you shouldn't get shunned by doing it, and for those who shun people because of their kindness should think about the outcome when no one does nice thing and just mind to their own business, that would be nice, wouldn’t it?

In conclusion, if you help someone or even a group of people, do it wholeheartedly don't ask for a reward for your action because if you are helping someone you don't need the whole world to know, if you want the whole world to know thats just arrogance and pride so please be humble and if you see or know someone who helps a lot of people, aid them. Don't use them for your own selfish reasoning or shun them off, everyone should be selfless. Remember that we are living in a messed up world, if you can contribute on a way so the world wouldn't get more messed up or even less befoul world. You've done a great deed for a better society, and yourself. (*Penulis Siswa X Bahasa)

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